Be A Voter | A Rallying Statement for the 2022 Election

The 2020 election in Talbot County was determined by 116 votes out of more than 22 thousand cast locally. Particularly, in communities like ours, your vote – your individual voice – matters. I should also note that state and local elections, though perhaps not as exciting as a presidential race, are undeniably more important and impactful to your day-to-day life.

 I am proud of the strong, dedicated, and united team of Democratic candidates that are running to represent and serve the people of Talbot County. It has been a long, yet inspirational and informative campaign. So many of the decisions made at the level of Talbot County government are not partisan and we should not allow our discourse to be polluted by national culture wars and vitriolic agendas. Regardless of your Party affiliation, it would serve us well to vote for the candidates who are the most curious and driven for common-sense solutions, the ones who are both passionate and compassionate. Vote for the people with experience and objective professionalism and vote as if the future of Talbot County depends on your voice. Because it does.

 There are several ways to be a Voter. You can vote by mail, vote early at the Easton Fire Hall, or vote on Election Day! The most important first step is making your plan to vote. Am I registered to vote? When and where should I vote? Do I need a ride and can I bring a friend or family member? Do I need to take off work or secure childcare? These are all important factors that should be worked out – ideally before you realize you are out of town, have an event for your child, or are working late on Election Day. It has never been easier to vote efficiently and securely.

We have put together an informative and accessible resource page – – that provides voter information links, election dates, and candidate information. Even if you do not agree with our positions, you might find the information provided useful.

In the final days of this election, we should all take a moment to reflect upon and appreciate the incredible personal and professional sacrifices of our friends and neighbors running for office. We should rise to their example and be active participants in the democratic process.

From the fields of Yorktown to the hallowed grounds of Gettysburg, our forebearers gave the last full measure of devotion to start this great democratic experiment. From the forceful rhetoric of Frederick Douglass to the demands of our mothers and sisters in Seneca, we have continued to form a more perfect Union that is representative of all the people of this nation. And from the cries of Americans when a revered King in Memphis was taken from us on the darkest of nights to the demands of a nation for equal justice and opportunity in the eyes of the law, we know that we have so much more work yet to do. The first step towards progress is participating in the democracy that generations of Americans have fought for, marched for, sat in for and walked out for, cried and cheered for, and sacrificed and died for.

Voting is more than a civic right. Being a voter is a fundamental responsibility of every American that is embedded into the DNA of our nation. Be an American. Be a Voter. Election day is November 8.

For more information, please visit Your vote is your right; get in touch with us or the local Board of Elections if your vote is questioned, obstructed, or if you face any harassment at the voting centers. Reach out to us at


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Election Night Party!