Talbot Democratic Headquarters COVID-19 Phased Reopening Plan
Objective: To ensure a responsible, safe operation of Talbot Democratic Party activities within Talbot Dems HQ. It is of the belief of the Talbot County Democratic Central Committee (TCDCC) that TCDCC members, MD Dems staff, and key volunteers are, to unofficially use COVID-19 terminology, ‘essential workers’ until November 4, 2020. In that regard, TCDCC strives to ensure all volunteers and organizers are working in the most efficient and effective manner possible in the safest environment we can provide. Before all other objectives or goals of the TCDCC, the safety of our workers and volunteers is paramount.
Methodology: The TCDCC will follow the guidance of the Talbot County Health Department, as well as the mandates of the Talbot County Council and/or the State of Maryland.
On May 12, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) advised governments that before reopening, rates of positivity in testing (i.e., out of all tests conducted, how many came back positive for COVID-19) should remain at 5% or lower for at least 14 days.
Provided there be no additional or contradictory guidance/mandates from the government(s) of Talbot County or the State of Maryland, which the TCDCC would immediately adhere to, the TCDCC will follow the below metrics to determine any movement between Phase 1, 2, and 3 (Phase 4 only available for implementation upon formal end of COVID-19 pandemic):
1. Per the Johns Hopkins University of Medicine state-by-state tracker, is the State of Maryland below the WHO positive testing rate of 5% or lower? If yes, proceed to next metric. If not, TCDCC must remain at or return to the previous Phase.
2. Per daily reporting from https://talbotcovid19.org, is Talbot County below the WHO’s recommended positive testing rate of 5% or lower for the past 7 days? If yes, TCDCC may elevate to next or remain at current Phase. If not, TCDCC must return to the previous Phase.
TCDCC Vice Chair will review these metrics every Sunday evening. Any changes will be announced publicly. While upgrades to the next Phase may only be dictated by the above metrics, TCDCC reserves the right to vote, at any time as a full committee, to downgrade to a previous Phase, regardless of metrics. A formal vote of the full TCDCC is required prior to Phase 4 implementation. Such a vote will not be permitted before January 1, 2021, regardless of the status of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The TCDCC thanks you for your patience and understanding during these difficult times.
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